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5 ways to improve your health for free

| Healthy You | Wellness

Man and woman dance in a living room

You don’t need anything fancy to set new habits. Use these ideas to keep your health on track.

Improving your health doesn't have to be fancy, costly or complicated. There are plenty of free and simple ways to get your health on track. And you can feel good doing it.

Here are five ways that you can improve your health for free:

1. Take regular walks 

Physical activity is an important part of good health. Walking is one easy way to do it. Consider a stroll around your neighborhood, head to one of the region's beautiful parks or find other ideas for adding movement to your day.

2. Try to stick to a sleep schedule 

Studies suggest that a regular sleep schedule can help your daily rhythm. It can give you the energy you need when you need it. It also gives your body and mind a chance to relax and can boost your mood. Get tips on setting good sleep habits.

3. Practice yoga or floor exercises

Many places offer classes, but you can also do this on your own. You can find free instructional videos online to help you try yoga or floor exercises — whether you’re a beginner or more advanced. Watch these stretching exercises.

4. Take a break from screens

Many studies have shown that looking at a screen for long periods of time can affect your health. How? It could be anything from tired eyes to stiff joints from sitting to anxiety from feeling disconnected with other people. Experts urge parents to limit screen time for children to two hours per day. Adults benefit from the same guideline. Consider how your household can balance screen time with other activities

5. Create new habits

This could be as simple as making a to-do list each day or doing a 15-minute stretch before bed. No matter what you choose, getting into a regular routine can benefit both your mental and physical health. For more ideas, read how microsteps can build healthier habits.

This month, give one of these free habits or activities a try. If you’re ready for more, consider reaching out to your PeaceHealth provider for ideas and support.