During Your Stay at Peace Harbor Medical Center
What to Bring
When you come to the hospital there are certain personal items and information that can make your stay more comfortable and provide your caregivers with important information they need to tailor your care to meet your needs. Items you should bring, include:
- Personal items and clothing such as; pajamas, robe, skid resistant slippers, toothbrush, eyeglasses, hearing aides, reading material, playing cards, hairbrush, comb or shaving equipment. Any electrical equipment you bring must be checked by Plant Maintenance to ensure safety prior to use.
- Information such as health care insurance, Advanced Directives, Living Wills and a list of current medications you are taking.
Items to be sent home or locked in our safe:
Valuables such as money, jewelry, credit cards and bankcards.
We will ask that any valuables brought to Peace Harbor Hospital be placed in our safe or taken home by a family member. Valuables may be withdrawn from the safe at the time of your discharge. We cannot be responsible for money, jewelry, credit cards or other valuables left in your room.
Participate in Your Care
At Peace Harbor Medical Center our medical staff and employees are dedicated to providing care while preserving your dignity, privacy and respect. You are encouraged to actively participate in decisions regarding your care. The best way to start is by asking your doctor for information regarding:
- Your care and condition in terms you can understand.
- “Informed Consent” before the start of any procedure. Except in emergencies this information usually includes a description of the procedure, risks involved, how long you may be incapacitated and reasonable medical alternatives.
- Medications you are taking.
- Your continuing health requirements after you leave the hospital.
If you need to transfer (or transferring) to another facility, your physician will explain both the need and the alternatives available to you.
In addition to the doctor primarily responsible for your care you should ask for the names and relationships of all doctors who may be involved in your care. You may consult with another physician upon your request.
You may choose to refuse treatment and will be informed of the medical consequences of your refusal.
Preventing Infections in the Hospital
Infections can occur after many types of medical procedures. This is particularly true if you are having surgery. Following these 10 simple steps to prevent infections may help reduce your risk of complications.
- Wash your hands carefully with soap and water after handling any type of soiled material, after using the bathroom, if your hands are visibly dirty, or after leaving your room for any reason. Also, use hand gel before leaving the room. Encourage your visitors and family members to cleanse their hands when they visit.
- “It’s OK to Ask.” If you do not see a staff member cleansing their hands, it’s okay to remind them to do so before they take care of you.
- If you have diabetes, be sure that you and your doctor discuss the best way to control your blood sugar before, during and after your hospital stay. High blood sugar increases the risk of infection.
- Let your nurse know if the dressing on your intravenous catheter works loose or gets wet. Keep the area clean and dry.
- Let your nurse know if you have a dressing on a wound that works loose or gets wet.
- Let your nurse know if your drainage tube or catheter becomes loose or dislodged.
- If possible, ask your friends and relatives not to visit if they feel ill.
- Carefully follow your doctor’s instructions regarding breathing treatments and getting out of bed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, advice or sufficient pain medications.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your care so that you may fully understand your treatment plan and expected outcomes. You and your family or friends will be able to better facilitate your recovery.
- If you are a smoker, consider taking part in Sacred Heart’s smoking cessation program. This will reduce the chance of developing a lung infection while in the hospital and may improve your healing abilities following surgery. For more information, ask your nurse or physician.
Medication Safety
Medication errors can be very serious and lead to complications or worse. The good news is that patients and family members can help prevent medication errors. Here are some important things you should know. Monitor…your medications by keeping a complete list. Always take this list each time you see a health care provider. Ask…your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to review (with you) their record and your list to make sure they match. Also, make sure you understand why you are taking every medication. Change the information on your list each time you start or stop taking a medication. Throw away medications you no longer take. Prevent…medication errors by adhering to this checklist:
- Keep your medication list accurate.
- Take your medication list each time you go to the hospital, emergency room, or clinic.
- Keep a medication list with you when you travel.
- If you are too sick to do so yourself, ask a family member to show the medication list to your doctors and nurses.
- Make sure your family has your doctor’s name and phone number.
- Keep your medication list in an accessible location so it is available in an emergency situation.
- When you leave the hospital, talk with the doctor or nurse about the medications you will take at home.
- Pick a single pharmacy in the community so they can check for potential drug interactions every time you submit a prescription.
Pain Control
Pain is both a medical symptom and a medical problem. Too much pain can slow healing. Pain is also very individual. If you are in pain, tell your nurse and be prepared to describe its location, sensation (dull, piercing), duration (when it started) and intensity on a scale of 1 to 10. Your caregivers want to treat your pain quickly and effectively.
Sharing Information About Your Condition
People who care about you may call the hospital asking about your status. To protect your privacy, it is our policy to not share any medical information over the phone. However, if callers ask if you are a patient here, we would tell them that you are unless you tell your nurse that you want “Do Not Announce” (DNA) status. This means our staff will not tell any visitors or callers, including immediate family, that you are here. You will not receive any mail or flowers.
Your Room
When you enter the hospital you will be assigned a room based on availability on the day of your admission and your diagnosis. All rooms are private and furnished with an adjustable bed, television and telephone. Each room has a private bathroom and closet for your clothes. For your safety, please observe these guidelines:
- If you need help to lower bedrails, please call for assistance.
- Always use bedroom slippers when out of bed.
- Never use a bedside cabinet or over-bed table for support. It may move under your weight.
- Be careful when walking on floors wet from cleaning. They may be slick.
- Ask for assistance getting in and out of a wheelchair.
- Please tell your nurse about any unsafe conditions.
Patient Food Services and Patient Meals
We serve three scheduled meals daily from the hospital kitchen. Please notify nursing staff of any special diet requirements you may have.
- Breakfast arrives between 7:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m.
- Lunch arrives between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
- Dinner arrives between 5:00 p.m. and 6:15 p.m.
Your first meal may be preselected for you, but a menu to select today’s lunch and dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast will come with your breakfast tray, and is also available at each nursing station. Your doctor may order diet restrictions, resulting in changes to your meal selections. Dietitians are available to discuss:
- Diets and restrictions
- Your individual needs
- Your needs at home
- An assortment of snacks and beverages available to patients
Visitor Meals
Visitors can purchase meals in the hospital cafeteria during posted meal times. Meals may be eaten in the cafeteria or taken back to the patient room if desired. Trays are provided to assist in carrying meals to the patient rooms. Please keep in mind when using the cafeteria that hospital personnel have limited lunch periods and need to return to work. The bulk of the hospital personnel have their lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Your understanding in not scheduling your lunch in the cafeteria during this time is appreciated. There are vending machines provided in the cafeteria for use outside of posted meal times.
Phone calls
Staying in touch with family and friends is an important part of the healing process. Patients in the hospital are given a direct phone extension for their room that they can give out to whomever they wish. Our staff is more than happy to accept calls for patients from friends and family who do not have the direct number as well. The use of cell phones is generally allowed throughout the hospital grounds and facilities, with the following restrictions:
- Cell phones must not be brought within three feet of medical
equipment in ICU, Labor & Delivery and Surgery. (The “one-meter rule”). - When staff suspect interference problems, they may ask cell phone
users in close proximity to turn off their cell phone or move away to a
safe distance. - Departments have the right to ban all visitor cell phone use in their
area. Notice of such bans will be posted.
Communication assistance
Here at PeaceHealth in Florence it is imperative that our healthcare providers are able to communicate effectively with the patients and families they serve. Current estimates indicate there are over 28 million deaf, hearing and/or speech impaired people in the United States. The Oregon Coast is also a renowned tourist destination, bringing visitors from all over the world to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. PeaceHealth in Florence follows hospital ADA guidelines and makes all reasonable accommodations to meet the special needs of disabled Americans and to provide equal access to all facilities and services accordingly.
To provide patients who do not speak English as their primary language equal access to information and participation in health care decisions, we subscribe to Language Line interpretive services. In addition to allowing communications in many languages there is also a Certified Medical Interpretation option that allows us to discuss medical issues and concerns with our patients. There is no charge to the patient for these services. For the hearing impaired, voice amplifiers and a TTY connection are available to promote communications. Additional auxiliary aids are available for use in the patient care areas.
TTY/TDD Phone For Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Patients/Patient Family Members
PeaceHealth in Florence is proud to make available a TTY phone for the use of our deaf or hard-of-hearing patients.
The device is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The device is located in the hospital main lobby, on a table next to the column outside of the Foundation Offices. Instructions for use are provided on the table with the device.
If you have a patient or patient's family member who would like to use a TTY phone to make a phone call please direct them to the TTY in the hospital main lobby.
We are currently preparing a TTY phone that will give us the ability to temporarily place a TTY device in an in-patient room or next to an Emergency Department bed.
Teleinterpretation is the provision of language interpretation services through electronic means of telephony and/or video conferencing.