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Bereavement Services

In your toughest moments, you may need a shoulder to lean on. PeaceHealth offers bereavement services to help comfort and care for you. You might need services, such as grief counseling and support, if you or a family member are dealing with the death of a loved one.

Bereavement counselors and volunteers with special grief counseling training can help. These services are available for PeaceHealth patients, loved ones and the community.

Bereavement services at PeaceHealth

Care for the entire family

Our specialists provide care for PeaceHealth patients, family members and the community — including children. They work to ease grief and help all involved move forward in a positive way.

Help for children dealing with grief

Peacehealth providers work with children of all ages who are grieving. Children have access to support groups and activities to help them work through their grief in a healthy way.

Integrated care

Our providers work with specialists from many areas to design the care plan that is right for you or your family member. They work closely with spiritual care, hospice, behavioral health, senior care and more — you benefit from a dedicated, integrated team.