Basic Style Options
Defined in text format selector and source code.
Canada Type Gibson
Canada Type Gibson
- Default text style for general headings and body font.
- Unless otherwise noted, font color on light background is #2C2826/ #FFF on dark background.
Header 1
Size: 30px (1.667rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Header 2
Size: 24px (1.333rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Header 3
Size: 21px (1.167rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Header 4
Size: 18px (1rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Header 5
Size: 18px (1rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Header 6
Size: 18px (1rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.3
Body text
Size: 18px (1.667rem) | Weight: 400 | Line-height: 1.6
Bold text
Size: 18px (1.667rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.6
Size: 18px (1.667rem) | Weight: 400 | Line-height: 1.6 | Color: #455F5E | Hover-Color: #267D71
Franklin Gothic Condensed
Franklin Gothic Condensed
- Suited for big, bold and inspiring brand messages. Used on:
- Campaign landing pages
- Main pages, like homepage
- Default header title used in custom segments (ex: "Full width w/ title")
- Add CSS class "ph-font-slug" in source code to enable style (ex: <h1 class="ph-font-slug">)
- There is no variation in font-size when used on header styles (H1, H2, etc..)
- Font color on light background is #2C2826, #FFF on dark background.
Header 1
Size: 48px (2.667rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.125
Header 2
Size: 48px (2.667rem) | Weight: 600 | Line-height: 1.125
Defined in "Templates" selector.
Light color backgrounds
Font Color: #FFF
Background Color: #267D71
Font Color: #FFF
Dark color backgrounds
Background Color: #F6F4EE
Font Color: #116069
Background Color: #FFF
Font Color: #116069
Background color options
Defined in Custom Segment > PeaceHealth Color Scheme.
Black Agate
Sitka Spruce
Harbor Blue
Tongass Green
Arcadia Cedar