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Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are medical research studies using human volunteers. They are controlled by strict safety rules, which include guidelines on participation. Clinical trials at the Comprehensive Stroke Center are overseen by PeaceHealth's Institutional Review Board.

Clinical trials help test medical devices, medications and procedures that hold promise for preventing, detecting and treating health problems.

We actively partner with industry, academic institutions, and the National Institutes of Health to advance clinical science. For example, we currently partner with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) as a member of the University of Washington’s StrokeNet program. Through StrokeNet we are launching clinical trials at the Comprehensive Stroke Center. Clinical trials are a great way for our Stroke Center to advance medical knowledge and ensure that our patients receive safe, evidence-based care.

For more information on the specific trials we will be participating in, check out the following links:

Enrollment closed/continued follow: